Secular repertoire

"Vorria che tu cantassi una canzone…": noble and popular love in the wonderful irony of the renaissance singer
Love madrigals, villanelles, ballets and songs of noble and popular character. The performance involve dramatization of some texts, costumes, and the use of a few instruments (harpsichord, percussions).
"Il bianco e dolce cigno": the song from Reinassance to Baroque
Pieces by Arcadelt, Carissimi, Monteverdi and other Authors till the time of melodrama; the program can also be requested with period instruments (lute, thirba, flutes, cymbal, percussion).
"Volgea l'anima mia": madrigales by Monteverdi
Extracts from the 9 books of madrigals by the great Author of Cremona, with recitation of texts and use of period instruments.